In the project "Professional Education for Renewable Energy in Ghana - ProREG", the Technische Universität Berlin is working with the universities Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and the University for Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) as well as six corporate partners to address the lack of labour market relevance of education in the field of renewable energy in Ghana. Often, graduates can only be productively employed by companies with great effort and long training periods. This is a major obstacle to the increased expansion of renewable energies in the country. Three project goals were jointly defined for its elimination.
Goal 1
New practice-relevant modules in the field of renewable energies are integrated into the curricula of KNUST and UENR. These new modules with their teaching units are intended to enable graduates to be integrated into the labour market of the renewable energy sector as quickly as possible.
Goal 2
Professors and lecturers of KNUST and UENR are trained and experienced in agile teaching / learning formats on practical application of renewable energies. With a sustainable qualification of the teachers, the path to a new teaching and learning culture is to be initiated for greater permeability between the needs of the companies and the established teaching practice.
Goal 3
An international network of experts, entrepreneurs and companies in the field of renewable energies is operative and in active contact with the "Council for Education and Renewable Energies". A "community of practice" in the field of renewable energies is to be established here, which sees itself as a network of academic teachers, entrepreneurial designers and international experts.
ProREG Professional Education for Renewable Energies in Ghana

Period: 2022-2025
Lugares: DE, GH
El trabajo de este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a una subvención de este organismo de financiación: