Mixed Reality for Continuing Education
The TECC Centre of Siemens Energy Global, together with the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and the SUSTAINUM Institute, is designing a lighthouse project to build a Mixed Reality learning space at the Egypt Service Center in Ain Sokhna, Egypt.
In an international cluster consisting of the German partner companies Ehrler Prüftechnik and OT Oberflächentechnik as well as other Egyptian partners, pilot projects will be implemented to test Mixed Reality application for the further education of skilled workers.
The energy sector is a steadily growing field of application for the know-how of German companies abroad. For maintenance, servicing and repair, there is an urgent need for German companies to have higher-value activities performed by local specialists. This would save travel by German service personnel or freighting of workpieces between locations and thus enable, among other things, considerable savings in CO2.
The task
In a changing global economic cooperation, demand-oriented, virtualized competence development for local skilled workers is becoming an important factor. Therefore, in order to realize the qualification of local skilled personnel, workplace-based modular learning scenarios are to be developed and tested in a virtual as well as in a real learning space. This gives the cluster project a lighthouse character for sustainable, workplace-based skilled worker development and digitization.
- Establishment of an inter-company mixed reality learning space at the Egypt Service Center (ESC) in Ain Sokhna / Egypt with an adapted qualification concept for the education and training sector in Egypt.
- Through a demand-driven combination of virtual and real modules in the didactics of agile learning, an immediately applicable and problem-oriented competence development for skilled workers on site shall be enabled.
- The ESC shall be available for further SMEs and can be used for a skilled workforce development by SMEs in the whole region.

Period: 2021-2024
Lugares: global
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